Велосипед в Праге — это средство передвижения и лучший способ для знакомства с городом и его достопримечательностями!

Прокат велосипедов в Праге «Praha Bike» находится в 5 минутах от Староместской площади. Адрес: Dlouha 24.

У нас можно взять в аренду велосипеды, электрo велосипеды, заказать экскурсии с гидами по Праге, спланировать многодневные вело, хайкинг или комбинированные туры по Чехии, Австрии и Германии.

Все вопросы задавайте по номеру или емейлу:

 +420 604 138 882 (в Whatsapp или Telegram) ,  info(at)

Прокат велосипеда в Праге отлично подходит для тех, кто умеет кататься и ориентироваться в городе. Кроме надежного и удобного велосипеда вы получите шлем, замок, инструкции, рекомендации и карту города с отмеченными маршрутами. В Праге очень легко ориентироваться относительно реки. Велодорожки обозначены желтыми табличками с номерками и направлениями. Для тех кто боится потеряться есть возможность проехаться по Праге с вело-гидом.

Когда вы берете велосипед в аренду, вы обязуетесь соблюдать следующие правила:

 ⁃ Ездить только по велодорожкам или правой стороне дороги

 ⁃ Не выезжать на тротуары (по тротуару можно катить велосипед)

 ⁃ Дети до 10 лет должны быть в сопровождении человека старше 15 лет

 ⁃ Все велосипедисты до 18 лет обязаны надевать шлемы

 ⁃ Велосипедисты двигаются один за один вдоль правой стороны дороги (обгонять можно, но предельно осторожно)

 ⁃ При слабой видимости (вечером или в тумане) необходимо использовать передний (белый) и задний (красный) свет

 ⁃ Перед поездкой необходимо проверить техническое состояние велосипеда (колеса, тормоза, цепь)

 ⁃ На одном велосипеде едет один человек (кроме тандемов или велосипедов с оборудованными детскими креслами)

 ⁃ Везти ребенка на велосипеде можно в возрасте до 7 лет и весом до 23кг в специальном детском кресле (или прицепе)

 ⁃ Велосипед можно перевозить в метро бесплатно (последние двери последнего вагона) или поезде за дополнительную оплату (в специальном отсеке для велосипедов)

 ⁃ Велосипеды запрещено перевозить в других видах общественного транспорта

 ⁃ В Праге нужно быть предельно осторожными: на перекрестках, на мокрых мостовых/булыжниках, трамвайных путях, рядом с выездами из домов или ворот, возле остановок

 ⁃ Трамвайные пути рекомендуем пересекать пешком 

 ⁃ Во время остановок необходимо пристегивать велосипед замком к забору, дереву, знаку, дугам на велосипедных парковках - кражи велосипедов случаются

 ⁃ Ночью велосипед определенно не рекомендуется оставлять на улице даже под замком! Нa ночь велосипед оставлять в помещении (если это подъезд, то надежно пристегнуть замком)

 ⁃ Запрещено ездить в состоянии алкогольного или наркотического опьянения

 ⁃ Одевайте удобную и красивую одежду для поездки, чтобы и комфортно было и фотографии сделать на память

 ⁃ Не рекомендуем во время движения держать телефон в руке для съемки или разговора (ни одна фотография не стоит вашего здоровья)

Дополнительная иформацыя: в законе о дорожном движении (Zákon o silničním provozu č. 361/2000 Sb.)

Звоните, задавайте вопрос и приходите кататься с нами по Праге и Чехии на велосипедах!

TOURS SCHEDULE Start time Duration Dates Price
PANORAMIC PRAGUE & CASTLE - city & park bike tour
*reservation required
10:00 on Wed, Fri, Sun & 14:30 on Tue, Thurs, Sat 2.5 hrs daily all year round 32€
PRAGUE "ALL-IN-ONE" - big city & park bike tour
*reservation required
10:00 daily except Mon. Other days on request. 7 hrs (with lunch break) all year round - on request 60€
CLASSIC - city bike tour
*reservation required
10:00 on Tue, Thurs, Sat & 14:30 on Wed, Fri, Sun 2.5 hrs all year 32€
RIVER BIKE TOUR to TROJA CHATEAU - parks & beer garden bike tour
*reservation required
15:00 on Tue, Fri, Sat. Other days on request. 3-3.5 hrs Apr 5 - Oct 31 36€
TOURS SCHEDULE Start time Duration Dates Price
PANORAMIC PRAGUE - city & park e-bike tour
*reservation required
10:00 on Wed, Fri, Sun & 14:30 on Tue, Thu, Sat. Other days on request. 2.5 hrs all year round - on request 45€
PRAGUE "ALL-IN-ONE"- E-bike city & park tour
*reservation required
10:00 - Daily, except Mon Other days on request. 7 hrs (with lunch break) all year round - on request 86€
GREAT PRAGUE VIEWS - Fat tire e-bike city, park & castle bike tour
*reservation required
10:00 on Wed, Fri, Sun & 14:30 on Tue, Thurs, Sat. Other days on request. 2.5 hrs all year round - on request 60€
KARLSTEJN CASTLE - e-bike country tour
*reservation required
09:30 on Thurs, Sat, Sun. Other days on request. 8-9 hrs (with lunch break) all year round - on request 87 €
COUNTRY BIKE TOUR TO UNETICE BREWERY- river & forest bike tour
*reservation required
10:30 on Wed, Fri, Sun. Other days on request. 5 hrs (with lunch break) all year round - on request 57€ or 75€ on Gravel or E-bike / or 87€ on Fat tire e-bike
TOURS SCHEDULE Start time Duration Dates Price
KARLSTEJN CASTLE - country bike tour
*reservation required
09:30 on Thurs, Sat, Sun. Other days on request. 8-9 hrs (with lunch break) March 15 - Nov 10 67€ & on E-bike or Gravel bike 87€
Bike tour to PRUHONICE CASTLE with UNESCO PARK & Botanical garden
*reservation required
09:00 on request 7-8 hours (with lunch break) Apr 1 - Oct 30 67€ / & on e-bike 87€
COUNTRY BIKE TOUR TO UNETICE BREWERY- river & forest bike tour
*reservation required
10:30 on Wed, Fri, Sun. Other days on request. 5 hrs (with lunch break) all year round - on request 57€ or 75€ on Gravel or E-bike / or 87€ on Fat tire e-bike
TOURS SCHEDULE Start time Duration Dates Price
Private City & Park bike/ e-bike tour
*reservation required
on request from 2 to 7 hrs all year round - on request from 28 € depends on the number of the people & duration (see below)
NEW TOWN & VYSEHRAD CASTLE - city & park bike tour
*reservation required
on request 2.5-3 hours all year round - on request from 30€ depends on the number of the people
EVENING PRAGUE - city & river bike tour
*reservation required
on request 2.5-3 hrs all year round - on request from 30€, depends on the number of the people
TOURS SCHEDULE Start time Duration Dates Price
Self-Guided PRAGUE-DRESDEN ELBE RIVER TOUR (220 km/140 miles)
*reservation required
on request daily 3 - 7 days Apr 1 - Oct 31 from 145€
Self-guided CLASSIC GREENWAY trip from Prague to Vienna
*reservation required
on request daily 7-10 days Apr 1 - Oct 31 from 245€
*reservation required
on request daily 3-6 days Apr 1 - Oct 31 from 150€
TOURS SCHEDULE Start time Duration Dates Price
SELF-GUIDED GREAT PRAGUE VIEWS - city, park & castle bike tour available from 9am 3-5 hrs all year round - on request 21€
SELF-GUIDED BIKE TOUR ALONG VLTAVA RIVER- river, parks & beer garden tour available from 9am 3-5 hrs all year round - on request 21€
SELF-GUIDED BIKE TOUR TO UNETICE BREWERY - country & river bike ride available from 9am 4-6 hrs all year round - on request 27 €
SELF-GUIDED BIKE TOUR TO KARLSTEJN CASTLE - country & river bike tour available from 9am 7-9 hrs all year round - on request 36 €
TOURS SCHEDULE Start time Duration Dates Price
*reservation required
on request on request all year round from 20€ (depends on the number of participants)
Prague Panoramic Walk
*reservation required
9:30 or 13:30 3 hrs All year around from 18€, depends on the number of people

At Praha Bike, your safety is our priority! Our quality bikes are well-maintained, comfortable and made for riding in Prague. The tour moves at a comfortable pace so that everyone can enjoy the sights. Our well-planned routes manage to avoid tourist crowds and high traffic areas. We stay on side streets, bike paths and ride in green area and parks. Helmets are always recommended but are not obligatory for those over 18 y.o. (in accordance with Czech law). 

Guest must be able to ride a bike, no training is provided except how to control breaks & gears on bicycle or e-bike.

All tours start and finish at the Praha Bike main office located just 200 meters away from Prague's Old Town Square at Dlouha 24, Prague 1. 

We provide most of our tours in English, or German, Dutch, Spanish, French on ruquest. 

Rain or shine - All our tours operate every day. Make sure you have the sunscreen, or rain ponchos or warm gloves for the tour.

9am-6pm (09:00-18:00)  Apr 1 - Oct 1
Note: bike tours, rentals & bicycle repairs are available everyday by advanced reservation:
Tel/ Whatsapp/ Telegram: +420604138882 or email us.

Oct 1 - March 31 - make advanced reservation if you would like to Rent a bike or have a Guided bike tour,
please EMAIL, CALL or send TEXT/SMS to make a reservation.
Tel/ Whatsapp/ Telegram: +420604138882 or email us.

CONTACT: info(at),  tel +420 732 388 880,
Tel/ Whatsapp/ Telegram / Viber: +420604138882

CANCELLATION POLICY for Daily bike tours & Hourly bike rentals

  • 50% refund: If the reservation is canceled more than 48 hours in advance.
  • No refund: If the reservation is canceled less than 48hours in advance.
  • No show or early termination: No refunds will be provided for any unused portions of the trip.
  • Please note that the price of the tour and rental does not include travel insurance or coverage for trip cancellations due to any inconveniences. We highly recommend purchasing comprehensive travel insurance that covers trip and flight cancellations, interruptions, and unforeseen personal or health circumstances.

CANCELLATION POLICY for Private bike tours & Multiday bike rentals

  • 50% refund: If the reservation is canceled more than 7 days in advance.
  • No refund: If the reservation is canceled less than 7 days in advance.
  • No show or early termination: No refunds will be provided for any unused portions of the trip.
  • Please note that the price of the tour and rental does not include travel insurance or coverage for trip cancellations due to any inconveniences. We highly recommend purchasing comprehensive travel insurance that covers trip and flight cancellations, interruptions, and unforeseen personal or health circumstances.


  • Money will be refunded accordingly to your card, bank account, or your travel agency.
  • 100% refund if the minimum group size is not met & the tour was cancelled by PrahaBike.
  • If you are not happy with the tour we will refund the money or offer you an alternative tour.

INSURANCE: theft or damage

While theft insurance is not mandatory, we highly recommend it if you'd prefer to avoid unnecessary risks.

  • Cost: Theft & damage insurance ranges from €4 to €14, depending on the type of bike. It applies only to thefts during the daytime (7 AM - 8 PM) or damage to the bike (including manufacturer defects).

  • In Case of Damage: If your rental bike is damaged or not working, you must call us and ask for help. 

    • Without insurance: You will be responsible for covering the cost of our mechanic’s trip to repair or replace the bike within the Prague area, as well as any damages caused. If you're outside the Prague area, you may visit a local bike repair shop for assistance or attempt to repair the bike yourself, if possible.

    • With insurance: If the bike is completely damaged, we will replace it. For repairs outside Prague, you may visit a local bike repair shop or attempt the repairs yourself. We will refund any expenses for fixing the bike or replacing parts along the way, based on receipts.

    • Note: The insurance we offer covers a wide range of situations: broken bikes, damages caused to the bike, and expenses incurred to fix the bike during the trip. 
      Insurance does not apply if the accident or damage was caused by violating traffic rules, improper parking, or if the rider was under the influence of illegal substances.

  • Nighttime Storage: From 8 PM to 7 AM, all bikes must be stored in a secure location such as a house, hotel garage, parking, or storage room. Theft insurance does not cover bikes left outside overnight (i.e., on the street, open spaces). Bikes must be properly locked through the frame and back wheel to an immovable object like a bike stand, pole, or fence and not blocking any entrance or path.

  • In Case of Theft: If your rental bike is stolen, you must report the theft to the police. The police report must clearly state that the bike was properly locked and that the lock was cut.

    • Without insurance: You will be liable to pay the full replacement value of the bicycle (ranging from €200 to €1,400, depending on the bike type).

    • With insurance: A retention fee will apply, ranging from €40 to €140 depending on the bike type.

  • Important: A valid police report is required to prove the bike was locked and stolen. Otherwise, you may face legal consequences, as damages exceeding €200 can be considered a criminal offense under local law.


Meeting point & Bike garage: Dlouha 24, Praha 1
+420 732 388 880
Prahabike (call us for free anytime)