Bike repairs / Servis jízdních kol

Nabízíme různé druhy servisu kol: 

Klasik servis Malý

Servis Velký

Servis Extra

Servis s vyzvednutím a dopravou a Pomoc na cestě při defektu

Ostatní servisní úkony - ceník

Summary in ENGLISH: a quality and quick bike repair service in the center of Prague

Rezervace termínů na info(at), t: 732388880

Klasik servis malý - cena 900 Kč

- diagnostika kola

- seřízení brzdy - přední a zadní

- měnič

- přesmykač

- hlavové složení

- foukání kol

- dofuk vidlice

- mazání řetězu

- kliky

- šrouby a spoje

- kontrola bezpečnosti kola
- projetí kola a kontrola funkčnosti

Servis velký - cena 2100 Kč

- diagnostika kola

- seřízení brzdy - přední a zadní

- měnič - mazání

- přesmykač - mazání

- hlavové složení, mazání, kontrola, dotažení

- foukání kol

- dofuk vidlice

- mazání řetězu

- kliky

- šrouby a spoje

- centrování kol

- měření řetězu

- bovdeny - mazání a kontrola funkčnosti

- dotažení středového složení

- mazání pedálů

- dotažení konusu a mazání

- čištění koleček měniče

- mazání jezdce pod rámem

- dotažení a kontrola komponentů

- kontrola bezpečnosti kola

- projetí kola a kontrola funkčnosti

Servis extra - cena 2900 Kč

- diagnostika kola

- seřízení brzdy - přední a zadní

- měnič - mazání

- přesmykač - mazání

- hlavové složení, mazání, kontrola, dotažení

- foukání kol

- dofuk vidlice

- mazání řetězu

- kliky - kontrola opotřebení zubů

- kazeta - kontrola opotřebení zubů

- šrouby a spoje

- centrování kol

- měření řetězu

- bovdeny - mazání a kontrola funkčnosti

- dotažení středového složení a mazání

- mazání pedálů

- dotažení konusu a mazání

- čištění koleček měniče

- mazání jezdce pod rámem

- dotažení a kontrola komponentů

- kompletní čištění, leštění

- kompletní mazání

- přednostní servis

- lanka a bovdeny v ceně

- kontrola bezpečnosti kola

- projetí kola a kontrola funkčnosti

- cena - včetně výměny všech dílů (bez materiálu)

Servis s vyzvednutim a dopravou a pomoc na cestě při defektu

- vyzvednutí kola k servisu u klienta doma nebo v terénu od 1000kc

- oprava na místě nebo odvoz kola do Praha Bike

- možnost přistavení kola zpět nebo vyzvednutí v našem obchodě 


- vyzvednutí kola do 20 km - 40 Kč/km - pro první servis

- první servis - 40 Kč/km

- druhý a dalsi servis - 35 Kč/km

Ostatní servisní úkony - ceník 

- montáž a demontáž vidlice - 800 Kč

- seřízení brzd V-brake - 450 Kč (demontáž a montáž)

- seřízení měniče - 300 Kč

- seřízení přesmyku - 300 Kč

- výměna kazety - 600 Kč

- výměna přesmykače - 300 Kč

- výměna řetězu - 300 Kč

- výměna duše - 200 Kč

- výměna duše/pláště - 200-300 Kč

- dotažení hlavového složení - 150 Kč

- umytí a vyčištění kola - 450 Kč

- další práce / hodinová sazba- 650 Kč


PrahaBike provides:



At Praha Bike, your safety is our priority! Our quality bikes are well-maintained, comfortable and made for riding in Prague. The tour moves at a comfortable pace so that everyone can enjoy the sights. Our well-planned routes manage to avoid tourist crowds and high traffic areas. We stay on side streets, bike paths and ride in green area and parks. Helmets are always recommended but are not obligatory for those over 18 y.o. (in accordance with Czech law). 

Guest must be able to ride a bike, no training is provided except how to control breaks & gears on bicycle or e-bike.

All tours start and finish at the Praha Bike main office located just 200 meters away from Prague's Old Town Square at Dlouha 24, Prague 1. 

We provide most of our tours in English, or German, Dutch, Spanish, French on ruquest. 

Rain or shine - All our tours operate every day. Make sure you have the sunscreen, or rain ponchos or warm gloves for the tour.

9am-6pm (09:00-18:00)  Apr 1 - Oct 1
Note: bike tours, rentals & bicycle repairs are available everyday by advanced reservation:
Tel/ Whatsapp/ Telegram: +420604138882 or email us.

Oct 1 - March 31 - make advanced reservation if you would like to Rent a bike or have a Guided bike tour,
please EMAIL, CALL or send TEXT/SMS to make a reservation.
Tel/ Whatsapp/ Telegram: +420604138882 or email us.

CONTACT: info(at),  tel +420 732 388 880,
Tel/ Whatsapp/ Telegram / Viber: +420604138882

CANCELLATION POLICY for Daily bike tours & Hourly bike rentals

  • 50% refund: If the reservation is canceled more than 48 hours in advance.
  • No refund: If the reservation is canceled less than 48hours in advance.
  • No show or early termination: No refunds will be provided for any unused portions of the trip.
  • Please note that the price of the tour and rental does not include travel insurance or coverage for trip cancellations due to any inconveniences. We highly recommend purchasing comprehensive travel insurance that covers trip and flight cancellations, interruptions, and unforeseen personal or health circumstances.

CANCELLATION POLICY for Private bike tours & Multiday bike rentals

  • 50% refund: If the reservation is canceled more than 7 days in advance.
  • No refund: If the reservation is canceled less than 7 days in advance.
  • No show or early termination: No refunds will be provided for any unused portions of the trip.
  • Please note that the price of the tour and rental does not include travel insurance or coverage for trip cancellations due to any inconveniences. We highly recommend purchasing comprehensive travel insurance that covers trip and flight cancellations, interruptions, and unforeseen personal or health circumstances.


  • Money will be refunded accordingly to your card, bank account, or your travel agency.
  • 100% refund if the minimum group size is not met & the tour was cancelled by PrahaBike.
  • If you are not happy with the tour we will refund the money or offer you an alternative tour.

INSURANCE: Theft & Damage

While theft insurance is not mandatory, we highly recommend it to minimize risks.

Theft and damage insurance ranges from 4 to 14 euros, depending on the type of bike. It applies only to thefts occurring during the daytime between 7 AM and 8 PM and covers damage to the bike, including manufacturer defects.

What the Insurance Covers

  • Damage to the bike during regular use

  • Manufacturer or material defects

  • Lock defects

  • Expenses for damages incurred for bike repairs during the trip

  • Roadside emergency service in Prague's area

Insurance does not cover damage or accidents caused by:

  • Violating traffic rules

  • Improper parking

  • Riding under the influence of illegal substances

  • Accidents caused by irresponsible riding. You must use your personal or travel insurance to cover the costs

  • Not following weight and height safety limits

In Case of Damage
If your rental bike is damaged or not functioning properly, you must call us for assistance.

Without insurance:

  • You are responsible for covering the cost of our mechanic's trip within the Prague area to repair or replace the bike, as well as any damages caused during the rental time

  • If you are outside Prague, you may visit a local bike repair shop for assistance or attempt to repair the bike yourself

  • If a manufacturer or material defect occurs, you will not be charged for the repair, but you must return the bike to our shop using a taxi or our delivery service. Please call us for assistance

With insurance:

  • If the bike is damaged, we will replace it

  • If the bike breaks down or has a manufacturer or material defect, we will fix it or provide a replacement

  • For repairs outside Prague, you must visit a local bike repair shop or attempt repairs yourself. We will reimburse expenses for fixing the bike or replacing parts, provided you submit valid receipts

Nighttime Storage
From 8 PM to 7 AM, all bikes must be stored in a secure location such as:

  • A house

  • A hotel garage

  • A parking lot or storage room

Theft insurance does not cover bikes left outside overnight, such as on the street or in open spaces.
Bikes must be properly locked through the frame and back wheel to an immovable object, such as a bike stand, pole, or fence, ensuring they do not block any entrance or path.

In Case of Theft
If your rental bike is stolen, you must report the theft to the police. The police report must clearly state that:

  • The bike was properly locked

  • The lock was cut

Without insurance:
You will be liable to pay the full replacement value of the bicycle, ranging from 200 to 1400 euros, depending on the bike type.

With insurance:
A retention fee will apply, ranging from 40 to 140 euros, depending on the bike type.

Important: A valid police report is required to prove the bike was locked and stolen. Otherwise, legal consequences may apply, as damages exceeding 200 euros are considered a criminal offense under local law.


Meeting point & Bike garage: Dlouha 24, Praha 1
+420 732 388 880
Prahabike (call us for free anytime)